Monday, October 10, 2016


Fragility. A word known to so many people in so many capacities, and no matter whom you ask, every single person will have a different story to tell. For those of us in the medical profession, it’s something we encounter on a daily basis, whether we want to or not. One decision, even if it’s exactly what is supposed to be done, can make or break the outcome of somebody’s care. Even if it doesn’t, every single patient we encounter is fragile. They are, in some capacity depending on us to make them better, fix their problems, and send them home. They are vulnerable. On the one hand, it’s one of the most humbling aspects of being a (future) doctor- knowing that somebody has willingly placed their well being in your hands. On the other hand, it’s absolutely terrifying; constantly questioning and wondering if the decisions you are making are, in fact, in the best interest of the patient. Today happened to be one of those days in which the fragility of medicine, and life itself, made its presence unquestionably known.

Around mid-morning, a patient who wasn’t even specifically my team’s began to decompensate rather quickly and unexpectedly. As the medical team in charge of “rapid responses” for the day, we responded to the page, treated the patient as we saw was appropriate, and moved on to continue our day. As far as everything looked, we did what we were supposed to. The patient’s mental status had returned, and they seemed to be back at their baseline level of function. We were all completing the required tasks and preparing for upcoming lectures, when this particular patient’s nurse called another rapid response not even three hours later. Again, we responded. This time; however, as we looked at the patient’s most recent labs and compared them to the previous set, we realized something much bigger was going on. The problem; however, was that we had no idea what that “something” was. Somehow this patient was losing blood internally, and fast. Despite knowing the broad cause of this patient’s quick decline, we knew that it was likely too late to turn anything around. Ultimately, we ended up having to call a “code” on the patient (aka: his heart isn’t beating and he’s not breathing on his own), and he died. Now, the fact that the patient died is hard in and of itself. If you’ve never been in somebody’s room while they’re taking their final breaths, let me tell you it’s a bizarre and indescribable experience. Even more than that; however, is wondering what you could have done to change the outcome. Now for me, the answer to that is absolutely nothing. I didn’t make any decisions nor did I personally manage any aspect of this patient’s care. I do know; however, that had I been in a position to be making those decisions I would have spent the rest of my day wondering how we could have changed the outcome of this patient’s life. As we finished the rest of our paperwork for the day, walking down the hall in the hospital, my resident asked me what I would have done differently. As somebody who was more “on the outside looking in,” what would I have done differently? This struck me for two reasons: 1. Even though my opinion carries absolutely no actual weight, I was being asked how I would have managed a patient. In my head, I was thinking, “but I’m just a medical student, how could I possibly have enough understanding to be able to make that kind of decision?” And, 2. In the grand scheme of things, I don’t know that I would have done a whole lot different than what had been done. In that instant, I got a glimpse into what it feels like to be responsible for the care of a patient who doesn’t make it.

Now, on the opposite end of that spectrum, I have another patient who presented to the emergency department about a week ago morbidly obese with a severe infection and several other medical complications. At that time, we had no idea what the source of infection was nor how it could have even possibly gotten this bad. We even thought from the get go, “this person may not make it.” Nonetheless, we admitted the patient to our service, and began doing the only thing we knew how- the best we could. Now today, a little over a week later, this patient has turned 180 degrees. Nearly recovered from the infection, labs mostly normalized, and ready to be discharged to a rehab facility where they’ll be provided dietary guidance and physical therapy to begin walking again. Today while completing our rounds, this patient even jokingly (I secretly don’t think she was) claimed that we would see them running in the Chicago marathon next year.

All of us go into medicine to “help people” in some way or another. When we make the decision that this is what we want to do, or some may say what we’re called to do, it is with the understanding that death is a part of the process. That there are situations in which no matter what we do, how worthy the patient is, or how much we want to “help,” there is nothing for us to do except accept the reality that death is a part of life. As people who sell themselves as “fixers,” it’s a harsh reality for doctors, nurses, and other caregivers to accept, but it also has shown me the importance of simply being a support for the friends and family of those for whom we can provide no fix, and continuing to believe in every single patient no matter how they present. In many cases, we are their final chance; the last option they have when everything else has failed. And to not show up 100% when they need it the most would not only be doing them a disservice, but also ourselves.

I’ll be honest and say that today was one of the hardest days I’ve had so far as a 3rd year student, and I know it is only the first of what will be many cases in which there is no fix, but it was also one of the best reminders that life does in fact go on, and that fragility and vulnerability can be just as much of a positive as they seem to be negative.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Uncertainty. As a type- A personality who likes to feel in control, it is my worst enemy, but as an international medical student, it is something that I, as well as all of my colleagues, have become quite familiar with. Currently, I’m at my mom’s house in Minneapolis studying for STEP 1 (the first in a series of US medical licensing exams). Originally, I had planned to take it in the beginning of March, with the intent of starting my clinical rotations soon thereafter. Well, as usual, life took the reigns and gave me some pretty good indications that I needed to take a bit of a break and, instead, push my exam back to April. First, as many of you know, I arrived back to the States with an additional companion, my dog Fenway. Now, I absolutely love her to death; however, the adjustment of 1. Having a dog, and 2. Living with my mom and her dog, took some more time than I anticipated. Additionally, my brother and his girlfriend (now wife) of nearly 8 years got married in the middle of January. As much as I planned to study non-stop during the weeks leading up to the wedding, and even the weekend of, it didn’t actually happen. I was too excited and had too much to do. Throw in there a bit of: getting together with friends and family I hadn’t seen in months or years, enjoying some time to read books for fun, and exploring parts of Minneapolis and St. Paul that I hadn’t seen before, and you’ve got a lot of time spent not studying. Really long story short, I didn’t realize how much I just needed that downtime, and knew I would not be ready to take my exam in March. We’ll see how I feel once it’s over in April, but for right now, it absolutely feels like I made the right decision. It does; however, bring me back to my original point- uncertainty.

Most students at United States medical schools have a structured time window in which they are expected to take STEP 1. Technically, I do, too; however, it’s a little different. Upon finishing our Foundations of Medicine curriculum in Dominica, we are required to sit for STEP within the next 6 months. From there, assuming we pass, we start our 3rd and 4th year clinical rotations. All of this seems pretty certain, right? I mean, finish in Dominica, go home (or wherever one plans to study for STEP), take the exam, complete clinical rotations, graduate, start residency, boom, you're done. If only it were that simple. You see, prior to starting rotations, we are required to complete a 6-week pre-clinical clerkship in Miami, FL. A very necessary clerkship in which we, as international students, become more acquainted with the hospital systems here in the US, work through simulated cases with our colleagues, and begin our clinical rotations in a Miami clinic. That being said, it’s only 6 weeks. Enough time to sort of get settled into an apartment, but not entirely, knowing that soon thereafter a move will be warranted. A move to where, you ask? Well, here enters the second phase of uncertainty. We don’t find out until 1-2 weeks into our time in Miami. For me, personally, based on when I will be there, I could be anywhere from Chicago to Maryland for the next two years. Toward the end of those rotations, I begin applying for residency, essentially my first job, in locations, again, scattered around the country. For those of you who have known me for a while, you know that I have moved (not necessarily cities or states) every year at least once since I graduated from high school. Granted, I know many people who are in the same boat, and I am incredibly excited to begin working with patients, but boy am I ready to just be in one place and stay there. 

Ironically, I spent the majority of my first 25 years wanting to get out and move; experience something different. I grew up in a suburb of Minneapolis, went to college at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, and worked for 3 years after college in a suburb of St. Paul; basically all within an hour of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. I was ready for a new adventure; you know, new scenery, new people; a fresh start. I went into my opportunity at Ross with a completely open mind and a nervous excitement that I had never before experienced. In retrospect, this attitude and approach is what made my time in Dominica as amazing as it was. You’ve all read about my experiences with various bugs, the times without water or electricity, and the constant rain, but when I look back on all of it, I can honestly say it is one of the most influential experiences of my life. Not only did I get to embrace a completely different culture, but I also had a chance to learn a lot about myself; things that I would have never known without my time there. It also taught me, as I’ve mentioned numerous times before, how much I value people and my relationships with them. When I say that I don’t intend to focus on any one or group of relationships, I mean all of them; anybody who has been a part of my life and impacted it in some way. The thing I realized while away and since I’ve returned is that most of those people are here in Minneapolis, and that, on top of many other reasons that I have re-discovered in the past couple months, makes me say for the first time, that I really don’t want to leave again. Not only that, but I want the certainty that I don’t have to. Unfortunately that’s not an option. I’ve expressed this sentiment to a few people in the last couple weeks, and every single one them reacted with, “You can’t quit. I’m not going to let you quit.” For those of you who told me that, thank you, very sincerely, but I assure you that I have absolutely no intention of quitting. Not only have I put far too much into this to throw it away, but I also love it with all of my heart. I do; however, have it in my head now that I may want to move back someday.

With all that being said, I know I’m not the only one of my colleagues who feels this way. As I mentioned in the beginning, it’s something, as international students, that we’ve grown accustomed to. We don’t have a “home-base” university that guarantees where we will spend the majority of our 4 years of medical school; we learn to adapt. Honestly, though, as scary and frustrating as it is right now, I think it will end up being one of our most valuable traits when it comes time to actually handle patients. Medicine, as a profession, is chalk full of uncertainty. Even in the most straightforward case, a curveball can come out of left field that throws the entire plan out the window. Knowing how to handle that, and what it feels like when all of the control you thought you had is completely lost, is something that I know will help me as a physician someday. As I’ve worked through these various emotions and have begun coming to terms with this next phase of my education and my life, I am taken to a particular movie called The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. In it there is this quote, “Everything will be all right in the end... if it's not all right then it's not yet the end.” Granted, the definition of “all right” is not black and white; however, since seeing this movie a few years ago, this is a perspective I have really truly tried to adopt. Life is life; in the grand scheme of things, there are few things that we have ultimate control over. In this particular situation, yes, I could quit school to guarantee that I don’t have to leave Minneapolis, but where does that put me? I honestly don’t know, but I can say, with such a decision, a lot of other uncertainties would accompany it. So, at the end of the day, what I am learning, more than ever, is not to overlook it or try to suppress it. Experience the uncertainty along with the fear and other emotions that come along with it because you never know what will come out of those experiences that at one point were completely uncertain. After all, if I had given into my uncertainty about Dominica 17 months ago, I would have never met the people I now call friends and colleagues, nor would I have had the opportunity to learn about the kind of doctor I someday want to be. As I started doing this earlier today, allowing myself to simply feel the uncertainty, to let it be exactly as it is instead of thinking about it and trying to analyze it, the tightness in my chest went away, and a sense of peace arose in its place; knowing somehow that everything will work out, whether it’s exactly the way I want it to be/ think it should be or not, exactly as it is supposed to.

With that, I leave you, as always, with all of my love.